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[0] V. Zega ‘MEMS sensors for the measurement of the angular velocity: mechanical and structural issues’, 2017.
[1] V. Zega, C. Comi, A. Corigliano, C. Valzasina ‘Integrated structure for a resonant micro-gyroscope and accelerometer‘ Frattura e integrità strutturale, 29 (2014) 334-342
[2] Caspani, C. Comi, A. Corigliano, G. Langfelder, V. Zega and S. Zerbini ‘A differential resonant micro accelerometer for out-of-plane measuremens’ Procedia Engineering, 87 (2014) 640-643
[3] Caspani, C. Comi, A. Corigliano, G. Langfelder, V. Zega and S. Zerbini ‘Dynamic nonlinear behaviour of torsional resonators in MEMS’ Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24 (2014) 095025
[4] S. H. Nitzan, V. Zega, M. Li, C. H. Ahn, A. Corigliano, T. W. Kenny, D. A. Horsley ‘Self-induced parametric amplification arising from nonlinear elastic coupling in a micromechanical resonating disk gyroscope’ Scientific Reports 5 (2015)
[5] V. Zega, S. H. Nitzan, M. Li,C. H. Ahn,E. Ng, V. Hong,Y. Yang T. Kenny, A. Corigliano, and D. A. Horsley ‘Predicting the closed-loop stability and oscillation amplitude of nonlinear parametrically amplified oscillators’ Applied Physics Letters 106, 233111 (2015) doi: 10.1063/1.4922533
[6] C. Comi, A. Corigliano, M. Doti, A. Garatti, G. Langfelder, V. Zega ‘Torsional microresonator in the nonlinear regime: experimental, numerical and analytical characterization’ Procedia Engineering, 168 (2016), 933-936
[7] C. Comi, A. Corigliano, G. Langfelder, V. Zega, S. Zerbini ‘Sensitivity and temperature behaviour of a novel zaxis differential resonant micro accelerometer’ Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 26 (2016) 1-11
[8] C. Comi, A. Corigliano, V. Zega and S. Zerbini ‘Non linear response and optimization of a new z-axis resonant micro-accelerometer’ Mechatronics 40 (2016) 235-243
[9] M. Bruggi, V. Zega and A. Corigliano ‘Synthesis of auxetic structures using optimization of compliant mechanisms and a micropolar material model’ Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55 (2017) 1-12
[10] V. Zega , C. Credi, R. Bernasconi, G. Langfelder, L. Magagnin, M. Levi and A. Corigliano ‘The first 3D-printed z-axis accelerometers with differential capacitive sensing’ IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (2018) 53- 60
[11] P. Minotti, S. Dellea, G. Mussi, A. Bonfanti, S. Facchinetti, A. Tocchio, V. Zega, C. Comi, A. Lacaita, G. Langfelder ‘High scale-factor stability frequency-modulated MEMS gyroscope: 3-axis sensor and integrated electronics design’ IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, 65(6) (2018) 5040-5050
[12] L. D’Alessandro, V. Zega, R. Ardito, A. Corigliano ‘3D auxetic single material periodic structure with ultrawide tunable bandgap’ Scientific Reports 8:2262 (2018)
[13] V. Zega, C. Comi, P. Minotti, G. Langfelder, L. Falorni, A. Corigliano ‘A new MEMS three-axial frequencymodulated (FM) gyroscope: a mechanical perspective’ European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids, 70 (2018) 203-212.
[14] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, V. Zega, Y. Su, A. Corigliano ‘Nonlinear dynamics under varying temperature conditions of the resonating beams of a differential resonant accelerometer’ Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28 (2018) 075004.
[15] V. Zega, A. Frangi, A. Guercilena, G. Gattere ‘Analysis of frequency stability and thermoelastic effects for slotted tuning fork MEMS resonators’ MDPI Sensors, 18(7) (2018) 2157.
[16] V. Zega, G. Langfelder, L.G. Falorni, C. Comi ‘Hardening, softening and linear behavior of elastic beams in MEMS: an analytical approach’ J. Microelectromech. Syst., 28(2) (2019) 189-198.
[17] V. Zega, A. Nastro, M. Ferrari, R. Ardito, V. Ferrari, A. Corigliano ‘Design, fabrication and experimental validation of a MEMS periodic auxetic structure’ Smart Mater. Struct., 28 (2019) 095011.
[18] V. Zega, M. Invernizzi, R. Bernasconi, F. Cuneo, G. Langfelder, L. Magagnin, M. Levi, A. Corigliano ‘The first 3D-printed and wet-metallized three-axis accelerometer with differential capacitive sensing’ IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (20) (2019) 9131-9138.
[19] G. Mussi, M. Bestetti, V. Zega, A. Frangi, G. Gattere, G. Langfelder ‘An Outlook on potentialities and limits in using epitaxial polysilicon for MEMS realt-time clocks’ IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, 67(8) (2020) 6996-7004.
[20] C. Comi, V. Zega, A. Corigliano, ‘Non-linear mechanics in resonant inertial micro sensors’ Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 120 (2020) 103386.
[21] L. Gaffuri Pagani, P. Carulli, V. Zega, R. Suriano, R. Bernasconi, A. Frangi, M. Levi, L. Magagnin, G. Langfelder ‘The First Three-Dimensional Printed and Wet-Metallized Coriolis Mass Flowmeter’ IEEE Sensors Lett. 4 (6) (2020) 2500604.
[22] Z. Yao, R. Zhao, V. Zega, A. Corigliano, ‘A metaplate for complete 3D vibration isolation’, European J. Solid Mech. A/Solids, 84, (2020) 104016.
[23] V. Zega, P. B. Silva, M. G. D. Geers, V. G. Kouznetsova ‘Experimental proof of emergent subharmonic attenuation zones in a nonlinear locally resonant metamaterial’ Scientific Reports, 10 (1), (2020) 12041.
[24] Z. Yao, V. Zega, Y. Su, J. Ren, J. Zhang, A. Corigliano ‘Design, fabrication and experimental validation of a metaplate for vibration isolation in MEMS’ J. Microelectromech. Syst., 29(5), (2020), 1401-1410.
[25] V. Zega, G. Gattere, S. Koppaka, A. Alter, G.D. Vukasin, A. Frangi, T.W. Kenny ‘Numerical modelling of Non-Linearities in MEMS resonators’ J. Microelectromech. Syst., 26(6), (2020), 1443-1453.
[26] L. Pertoldi, V. Zega, C. Comi, R. Osellame ‘Dynamic mechanical characterization of two-photon-polymerized SZ2080 photoresist’ J. Applied Physics, 128, (2020), 175102.
[27] V. Zega, L. Martinelli, R. Casati, E. Zappa, G. Langfelder, A. Cigada, A. Corigliano ‘A 3D Printed Ti6Al4V Alloy Uniaxial Capacitive Accelerometer‘ IEEE Sensors Journal, 21 (18), (2021) 19640–19646.
[28] G. Gobat, V. Zega, P. Fedeli, L. Guerinoni, C. Touzé, A. Frangi ‘Reduced order modelling and experimental validation of a MEMS gyroscope test-structure exhibiting 1:2 internal resonance’ Scientific Reports, 11 (1), (2021), 16390.
[29] V. Zega, L. Pertoldi, T. Zandrini, R. Osellame, C. Comi, A. Corigliano ‘Microstructured phononic crystal isolates from ultrasonic mechanical vibrations‘ Appl. Science 12 (2022) 2499.
[30] M. Antonacci, E. Riva, A. Frangi, A. Corigliano, V. Zega ‘Planar GRIN lenses: numerical modelling and experimental validation’ J. Sound and Vibr. 537 (2022) 117217.
[31] E. Panahi, A. Hosseinkhani, A. Frangi, D. Younesian, V. Zega ‘A novel low-frequency multi-bandgaps metaplate: Genetic algorithm based optimization and experimental validation’ Mech. Syst. Signal Processing 181, (2022) 109495.
[32] A. Annessi,V. Zega, P. Chiariotti, M. Martarelli, P. Castellini ‘An innovative metastructure for vibration sensorshandling: numerical modelling and experiments’ J. Applied Physics132, (2022) 084903.
[33] R. Bernasconi, D. Hatami, H. Nouri Hosseinabadi, V.Zega, A. Corigliano, R. Suriano, M. Levi, G. Langfelder,L. Magagnin ‘Hybrid Additive Manufacturing of a Piezopolymer-Based Inertial Sensor’ Additive Manufacturing 59, (2022) 103091.
[34] D. Faraci, V. Zega, A. Nastro, C. Comi ‘Identification of MEMS Geometric Uncertainties through Homogenization’, Micro 2, (2022) 564-574.
[35] G. Gobat, V. Zega, P. Fedeli, C. Touzé, A. Frangi ‘Frequency combs in a MEMS resonator featuring 1:2 internalresonance: ab-initio reduced order modelling and experimental validation’ Nonlinear Dynamics 111, (2023) 2991–3017.
[36] C. Galimberti, G. Gattere, M. Riani, V. Zega ‘A new design strategy for innovative MEMS xz-biaxial accelerometer’ IEEE Sensors Letters 7 (10), (2023) 2503504.
[37] V. Zega, C. Gazzola, A. Buffoli, L. G. Falorni, G. Langfelder, A. Frangi ‘A defect-based MEMS phononic crystal slab waveguide in electronic circuits’ J. Microelectromech. Syst. 32(5), (2023) 494-504.
[38] C. Gazzola, V. Zega, F. Cerini, S. Adorno, A. Corigliano ‘On the design and modelling of a full-range piezoelectric MEMS loudspeaker for in-ear applications’ J. Microelectromech. Syst. 32(6), (2023) 626-637.
[39] R. Nastri, C. Padovani, V. Zega, L. G. Falorni, G. Langfelder ‘Low-amplitude operation of Lissajous frequency modulated MEMS gyroscopes for spurious harmonics reduction’ IEEE Sensors Letters 7(11), (2023) 2504104.
[40] P. Frigerio, A. Fagnani, V. Zega, G. Gattere, G. Langfelder ‘Epitaxial polysilicon MEMS temperature sensor with 50-mK resolution at 4-Hz data rate’ IEEE Sensors Journal 24(6), (2024), 8123-813.
[41] M. De Pace, P. Frigerio, C. Valzasina, L. G. Falorni, P. Peliti, V. Zega, G. Langfelder ‘Split is not dead: a case study (and review) of the performance gap between MEMS automotive-grade gyroscopes and high-end applications’ IEEE Sensors Letters, 7(12), (2023), 2504904.
[42] C. Gazzola, V. Zega, A. Corigliano, M. Melon, P. Lotton ‘A reduced-order-model-based equivalent circuit for piezoelectric MEMS loudspeaker modeling’ J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, (2024), 1503–1514.
[Chosen for the journal cover page]
[43] C. Gazzola, A. Corigliano, V. Zega ‘Total harmonic distortion estimation in piezoelectric micro-electro-mechanical-system loudspeakers via a FEM-assisted reduced-order-model’ Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 222, (2025),111762.
[44] Y. Banani, A. Buffoli, F.D. Mauri, A. Opreni, A. Frangi, G. Gattere, G. Langfelder, V. Zega ‘A long-stroke MEMS actuator based on cascaded stages of innovative pass-through comb fingers’ Sensors and Actuators A: physical, 382, (2025), 116146.
[45] C. Viola, D. Pavesi, L. Weng, G. Gobat, F. Maspero, V. Zega ‘Microelectromechanical System Resonant Devices: a guide for design, modeling and testing’ Micromachines, 15(12), (2024), 1461.
[1] A. Corigliano, A. Ghisi, S. Mariani, V. Zega ‘Mechanics of Microsystems: a recent journey in a fascinating branch of mechanics’ in G. Rega(eds) 50+ Years of AIMETA. Springer, Cham. (2022) 419-435.
[2] C. Comi, A. Corigliano, A. Frangi, V. Zega ‘Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics in MEMS’ in B. Vigna, P. Ferrari, F.F. Villa, E. Lasalandra, S. Zerbini (eds) Silicon Sensors and Actuators. Springer, Cham (2022) 389-437.
[3] A. Annessi,V. Zega, P. Chiariotti, M. Martarelli, P. Castellini‘ Static and Dynamic Characterization of a Vibration Decoupling Element Based on a Metamaterial Structure’ In: Platz, R., Flynn, G., Neal, K., Ouellette, S.(eds) Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3. SEM 2023. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham. (2024) 45-55.
[1] P. B. Silva, T. van Nuland, T. S. van Loon, V. Zega, M. J. Leamy, M. G. D. Geers, V. G. Kouznetsova ‘Acoustic metamaterials: metamaterials for wave control and manipulation by exploring nonlinearities’ in Innovative Materials, 4 (2018) 30-35.
[1] C. Comi, A. Corigliano, M. Doti, A. Garatti, G. Langfelder, V. Zega ‘Torsional microresonator in the nonlinear regime: experimental, numerical and analytical characterization’ Eurosensors16, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-7, 2016.
[2] C. Credi, V. Zega, R. Bernasconi, G. Langfelder, A. Cigada, L. Magagnin, M. Levi, A. Corigliano ‘Design, fabrication and testing of the first 3D-printed and wet metallized z-axis accelerometer’ Proceedings, 1, 614, doi:10.3390/proceedings1040614 (2017) 1-5.
[3] V. Zega, P. Minotti, G. Mussi, A. Tocchio, L. Falorni, S. Facchinetti, A. Bonfanti, A.L. Lacaita, C. Comi, G. Langfelder, A. Corigliano ‘The first frequency-modulated (FM) pitch gyroscope’ Proceedings, 1, 393, doi:10.3390/proceedings1040393 (2017) 1-5.
[4] V. Zega, M. Bruggi, A. Corigliano ‘Optimization of auxetic structures’ IV ECCOMAS young investigator conference, Milan, Italy, September 13-15, 2017.
[5] V. Zega, C. Comi, P. Fedeli, A. Frangi, A. Corigliano, P. Minotti, G. Langfelder, L. Falorni, A. Tocchio ‘A dual-mass frequency-modulated (FM) pitch gyroscope: mechanical design and modelling’ Inertial ’18, Lake Como, Italy, March 26-29, 2018.
[6] V. Zega, A. Frangi, A. Guercilena, G. Gattere ‘Numerical modelling of MEMS resonators’ ESMC 2018, Bologna, Italy, July 2-6, 2018.
[7] V. Zega, C. Comi, G. Langfelder, L. Falorni ‘A strategy to widen the linear range of elastic micro-springs’ ESMC 2018, Bologna, Italy, July 2-6, 2018.
[8] V. Zega, P. B. Silva, V. Kouznetsova, M. G. D. Geers ‘Towards an emergent metamaterial design’ Engineering Mechanics (EM) Symposium 2018, Arnhem, the Netherlands, October 23-24, 2018.
[9] V. Zega, A. Frangi, G. Gattere ‘Numerical modelling of nonlinearities in MEMS resonators for real-time clocks’ IcoNsoM 2019, Rome, Italy, June 16-19, 2019.
[10] V. Zega, P. B. Silva, V. G. Kouznetsova, M. G. D. Geers ‘Nonlinear locally resonant metamaterials with emergent attenuation zone: a new design’ IcoNsoM 2019, Rome, Italy, June 16-19, 2019.
[11] V. Zega, C. Comi, E. Bordiga, G. Langfelder, L. Falorni, A. Corigliano ‘Towards 3-axis FM MEMS gyroscopes: mechanical design and experimental validation’ Transducers 2019 – Eurosensors XXXIII, Berlin, Germany, June 23-27, 2019.
[12] V. Zega , A. Frangi, G. Gattere, ‘Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS resonators: numerical modelling and experiments’ IEEE Sensors 2019, Montreal, Canada, October 27-30, 2019.
[13] V. Zega, A. Opreni, G. Mussi, H.-K. Kwon, G. Vukasin, G. Gattere, G. Langfelder, A. Frangi, T. W. Kenny, ‘Thermal stability of DETF MEMS resonators: numerical modelling and experimental validation’ IEEE MEMS2020, Vancouver, Canada, January 23-28, 2020.
[14] Z. Yao, V. Zega, Y. Su, A. Corigliano, ‘A metaplate in MEMS for innovative applications: vibration isolation and tunable mechanical filters’ IEEE SENSORS 2020, online conference, October 25-28, 2020.
[15] V. Zega, C. Gazzola, A. Buffoli, M. Conti, L.G. Falorni, G. Langfelder, A. Frangi, ‘A defect-based MEMS phononic crystal slab waveguide’, IEEE MEMS 2022, Tokyo, Japan, January 9-13, 2022.
[16] V. Zega, L. Gaffuri Pagani, M. Invernizzi, C. Credi, R. Suriano, R. Bernasconi, P. Carulli, A. Frangi, M. Levi, L. Magagnin, G. Langfelder, A. Corigliano, ‘3D-printed and wet-metallization for sensors: a Coriolis mass flowmeter operating in the mode-split conditions‘ CIMTEC 2022, Perugia, Italy, June 20-29, 2022.
[Invited presentation]
[17] V. Zega, G. Gattere, M. Riani, F. Rizzini, A. Frangi, ‘High sensitivity MEMS z-axis accelerometer with in-planedifferential readout’ IEEE MEMS 2023, Monaco, Germany, January 15-19, 2023.
[18] V. Zega, A. Frangi, G. Gattere, M. Riani, R. Nastri, G. Langfelder ‘A new high-sensitivity differential z-axis FM accelerometer’ IEEE IFCS-EFTF 2023, Toyama, Japan, May 11-15, 2023.
[19] V. Zega, A. Opreni, Y. Banani, A. Buffoli, F. D. Mauri, G. Gattere, M. Riani, G. Langfelder, A. Frangi ‘Design and experimental validation of new MEMS long-stroke actuator based on tunnel-comb fingers’ Transducers 2023, Kyoto, Japan, June 25-29, 2023.
[1] C. Comi, A. Corigliano, V. Zega and S. Zerbini ‘Optimal design and nonlinearities in a z-axis resonant accelerometer’ Eurosime 2015, Budapest, Hungary, April 19-22, 2015.
[2] M. Bruggi, V. Zega, A. Corigliano ‘Optimization of auxetic structures for MEMS applications’ Eurosime 2016, Montpellier, France, April 17-20, 2016.
[3] P. Minotti, G. Mussi, S. Dellea, A. Bonfanti, A.L. Lacaita, G. Langfelder, V. Zega, C. Comi, S. Facchinetti, A. Tocchio ‘A 160 µA, 8 mdps/Hz1/2 frequency-modulated MEMS gyroscope’ Inertial ’17, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, March 27-30, 2017.
[4] G. Mussi, M. Bestetti, V. Zega, A. Frangi, G. Gattere, G. Langfelder ‘Resonators for real-time clocks based on epitaxial polysilicon process: a feasibility study on system-level compensation of temperature drifts’ MEMS 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, January 21-25, 2018.
[5] P. Minotti, G. Mussi, G. Langfelder, V. Zega, S. Facchinetti, A. Tocchio ‘A system-level comparison of amplitude- vs frequency- modulation approaches exploited in low-power MEMS vibratory gyroscopes’ Inertial ’18, Lake Como, Italy, March 26-29, 2018.
[6] V. Zega, C. Credi, M. Invernizzi, R. Bernasconi, G. Langfelder, A. Cigada, L. Magagnin, M. Levi and A. Corigliano ‘3D-printing and wet metallization for uniaxial and multi-axial accelerometers’ Eurosime 2018, Toulouse, France, April 15-18, 2018.
[7] V. Zega, A. Nastro, L. D’Alessandro, M. Ferrari, R. Ardito, C. Valzasina, V. Ferrari and A. Corigliano ‘Design and experimental validation of an auxetic phononic crystal for industrial micro-systems’ ESMC 2018, Bologna, Italy, July 2-6, 2018.
[8] G. Langfelder, P. Minotti, V. Zega, C. Comi, C. R. Marra, M. Leoncini, M. Bestetti ‘Frequency Modulated MEMS gyroscopes: recent developments, challenges and outlook’ Transducers 2019 – Eurosensors XXXIII, Berlin, Germany, June 23-27, 2019.
[9] A. Bonanomi, E. Zappa, A. Cigada, V. Zega, A. Corigliano ‘High speed vision system for the dynamic characterization of 3D printed sensors’ Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1249(1), 012001, 2019.
[10] M. Bestetti, V. Zega, G. Langfelder, ‘Modeling and first characterization of broad-spectrum vibration rejection of frequency modulated gyroscopes’, IEEE MEMS2020, Vancouver, Canada, January 23-28, 2020.
[11] G. Gobat, A. Frangi, V. Zega, ‘Interpolation based reduced order modelling for non-linearities in MEMS’, IEEE SENSORS 2020, online conference, October 25-28, 2020.
[12] G. Gobat, V. Zega, P. Fedeli, L. G. Falorni, L. Guerinoni, C. Touzè, A. Frangi, ‘Experimental evidence of mechanical frequency comb in a quad-mass MEMS structure’, IEEE MEMS 2021, online conference, January 25-29, 2021.
[13] M. Gianollo, V. Mastri, V. Zega, M. Bestetti, L. Falorni, G. Langfelder, ‘Miniaturized Quadruple Mass Gyroscopes: Challenges and Implementation’, IEEE SENSORS 2021, online conference, October 31st – November 4th, 2021.
[14] V. Zega, A. Nastro, M. Ferrari, R. Ardito, V. Ferrari, A. Corigliano, ‘An innovative auxetic electrically-tunable MEMS mechanical filter’, IEEE MEMS 2022, Tokyo, Japan, January 9-13, 2022.
[15] V. Zega, G. Gobat, P. Fedeli, P. Carulli, A. Frangi, ‘Reduced order modelling in a MEMS arch resonator exhibiting 1:2 internal resonance’, IEEE MEMS 2022, Tokyo, Japan, January 9-13, 2022.
[16] G. Massimino, C. Gazzola, V. Zega, S. Adorno, A. Corigliano, ‘Ultrasonic piezoelectric MEMS speakers for in-ear applications: bubbles-like and pistons-like innovative designs’, EUROSIME22, Malta, April 25-27, 2022.
[17] V. Zega, M. Antonacci, A. Frangi, A. Corigliano, E. Riva ‘Planar GRIN lenses for MEMS energy harversters: a macroscale proof of concept’ IEEE EFTF IFCS 2022, Paris, France, April 24-28, 2022.
[Finalist for the best student poster award]
[18] D. Faraci, A. Nastro, V. Zega, C. Comi ‘Two-scale asymptotic homogenization in a MEMS auxetic structure for over etch identification’ ECCOMAS 2022, Oslo, Norway, June 5-9, 2022.
[19] C. Gazzola, V. Zega, G. Massimino, F. Cerini, S. Adorno, A. Frangi, A. Corigliano ‘Innovative Designs of Piezoelectric MEMS Speakers for In-Ear Applications’ ESCM 2022, Galway, Ireland, July 4-8, 2022.
[20] V. Kouznetsova, P. Silva, V. Zega, M. Leamy, M. Geers ‘Emergent phenomena in locally resonant acoustic metamaterials due to subharmonic energy exchange’ META2022, Torremolinos, Spain, July 19-22, 2022.
[21] P. Frigerio, A. Fagnani, V. Zega, G. Gattere, A. Frangi, G. Langfelder ‘On-MEMS-chip compact temperature sensor for large-volume, low-cost sensor calibration’ IEEE MEMS 2023, Monaco, Germany, January 15-19, 2023.
[22] G. Gattere, V. Zega, M. Riani, F. Rizzini, F. Maspero, ‘Design and validation of the first z-axis MEMS accelerometer with in-plane readout’ Transducers 2023, Kyoto, Japan, June 25-29, 2023.
[23] C. Gazzola, V. Zega, F. Cerini, S. Adorno, A. Corigliano, ‘A mechanically-open and acoustically-closed piezoMEMS speaker for in-ear applications’ Transducers 2023, Kyoto, Japan, June 25-29, 2023.
[24] C. Gazzola, V. Zega, A. Corigliano, P. Lotton, M. Melon ‘Lumped-Parameters Equivalent Circuit for Piezoelectric MEMS Speakers Modeling’, Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, Italy, September 11-15, 2023.
[25] R. Ardito, C. Comi, V. Zega, A. Corigliano ‘Metamaterials and MEMS (MetaMEMS): a promising trend in Microsystems technology’, 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2023, Graz, Austria, April 16-19, 2023.
[26] O. M. O. Abdalla, R. Ardito, V. Zega, A. Corigliano ‘Smart materials and metamaterials for MEMS: a growing trend in microsystems technology’ SMART 2023, Eccomas Procedia, 1586-1591, 2023.
[27] M. Antonacci, M. Cremonesi, V.Kouznetsova, O. Rokos, L. Sangiuliano, V. Zega ‘Locally Resonant Acoustic Metamaterials for Underwater Pile Driving noise mitigation’ Eccomas 2024, Lisboa, Portugal, June 3-8, 2024.
[28] D. Faraci, V. Zega, G. Gattere, C. Comi ‘A MEMS device integrating a metaplate for vibration absorption’ Eccomas 2024, Lisboa, Portugal, June3-8, 2024.
[29] C. Viola, C. Comi,V. Zega, P. Peliti, F. Berton, G. Gattere, L. Falorni, A. Corigliano ‘High-end MEMS Gyroscopes: Challenges on Mechanical Design’ DGON-ISA 2024, Braunschweig, Germany, October 22-23, 2024
[30] G. Mecca, R. Bernasconi, V.Zega, A. Corigliano, L. Magagnin ‘Inkjet printed flexible piezoelectric sensor forlarge strain applications’ Eurosensors 2024, Drebecen, Hungary, September 1-4, 2024.
[31] R. Nastri, S. Zoia, D. Pavesi, P. Peliti,V. Zega, G. Gattere, G. Langfelder ‘Characterization of Damping andStiffness Mismatch on a Dual-Foucault Pendulum Structure Manufactured in a 20-μm Epitaxial Polysilicon’ IEEESensors 2024, Kobe, Japan, October 20-23. 2024.
[32] D. Pavesi, C. Viola, C. Comi, A. Corigliano, P. Peliti, F. Berton, L. G. Falorni, G. Gattere, R. Nastri, S. Zoia, P. Frigerio, G. Langfelder, V. Zega ‘Whole-angle gyroscopes on mass-production process: dual foucault pendulum vs disk resonant gyroscope’ IEEE INERTIAL 2025, Lindau, Germany, May 4-7, 2025.
[33] D. Pavesi, L. Meira, E. Sangenis, V. Zega, A. M. Shkel ‘Design, fabrication and characterization of a high quality factor fused silica toroidal ring gyroscope’ IEEE INERTIAL 2025, Lindau, Germany, May 4-7, 2025.
[1] A. Tocchio, L. Falorni, C. Comi, V. Zega ‘Frequency modulation MEMS triaxial gyroscope’ Patent n. US010520315B2 (December, 31st 2019)
[2] L. D’Alessandro, V. Zega, E. Riva, R. Ardito, F. Braghin, A. Corigliano ‘Low-frequency and broad-speactrum vibro-acoustic insulating module device’ Published patent WO 2019/141794A1
[3] Z. Yao, V. Zega, Y. Su, J. Zhang, A. Corigliano ‘MEMS device with vibration-insulating plate’ Deposited patent PCT/EP2021/063865 (May 2021), published patent WO 2021/239715 (December, 2nd 2021)
[4] V. Zega, G. Gattere, A. Frangi, A. Opreni, M. Riani ‘Accelerometro risonante ad asse z con struttura di rilevamento avente prestazioni migliorate’ Deposited patent n. 102021000023795 (September, 15th 2021)
[5] V. Zega, C. Gazzola, L.G. Falorni, A. Frangi ‘Defect-based MEMS Phononic Crystal slab waveguide’ Deposited US patent (attorney docket No. 50650-01499) December 22nd 2021
[6] A. Opreni, V. Zega, A. Frangi, G. Gattere, M. Riani ‘Long stroke MEMS actuator resilient to the pull-in and electronic system including the same’ Patent n. EP4223691A1
[7] P. Chiariotti, V. Zega, A. Annessi, M. Martarelli, P. Castellini ‘Metastructure with vibration insulation properties’ Published patent n. WO2024/018345
[8] T. Verdot, A. Buffoli, G. Langfelder, V. Zega ‘Inertial sensor architecture with balanced sense mode andimproved immunity to quadrature effects’ Patent n. EP4382861A1
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