The METRAMAT project is a MSCA European Doctoral Network aimed at training young researchers to become skilled in metamaterial development by researching and creating a combined set of design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, reliability assessment and integration tools that will strengthen the European manufacturing industry and lead to a sustainable society.
The European manufacturing industry, crucial for economic competitiveness, faces challenges pushing the limits of traditional materials, particularly in high-tech sectors like lithography and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Metamaterials, built up from rationally, pre-designed architected substructures, hold the promise to outperform conventional materials and redefine the boundaries of industrial design practices, which can drive the much-needed transformational changes in European manufacturing industry.
METRAMAT aims to train 10 researchers in metamaterial development, of which 2 at Politecnico di Milano. The involvement of MEMS, lithography and additive manufacturing industries ensures that the scientific training is tuned to existing industrial challenges requiring new fundamental solutions, such as positioning accuracy, sensor sensitivity or shielding of external vibrational disturbances, with emphasis on design for manufacturability and reliability. Together with the transferable skills training, secondments and networking opportunities, this program will provide a solid foundation for a successful career in either industry or academia (http://metramat.eu/recruitment).
Doctoral Candidate (DC) 8: Metamaterials with switchable properties for integration in MEMS testing equipment and packaging
You will focus on the integration of metamaterials with switchable stiffness in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) testing equipment and MEMS packages for harsh environment, where the cross-coupling between different MEMS or between a MEMS package and external vibrations should be controlled and mitigated to improve the versatility of the equipment and ensure correct operation of MEMS based sensors.
The PhD researcher will work under the supervision of Dr. Valentina Zega in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (Ph.D. | DICA – Website (polimi.it)).
Two academic secondments are planned. They consist in 3 months at the TU/e to work on the development of simulation techniques and metamaterial optimization and 2 months at KUL to work on the fabrication of the proof-of-concept prototypes. An industrial secondment of 2 months at STMicroelectronics is also planned to test the proposed solution in representative conditions.
The expected results are:
- Fully resolved and reduced-order multi-physics models for designing (graded) metamaterial assemblies, based on the optimized geometries from DC1 and their integration into the MEMS testing equipment.
- Manufacturing proof-of-concept prototypes, in collaboration with DC5, and testing under conditions representative for MEMS testing equipment and packaging for harsh environment, including reliability assessment.
Specific Requirements:
- Highly motivated, independent and enthusiastic doctoral researcher.
- Master degree in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mathematical engineering, material engineering or equivalent relevant master degrees.
- Strong background on solid mechanics, computational methods and mechanics of materials.
- Excellent track record of academic achievement and a strong interest in conducting original research and innovation.
- Fluent in spoken and written English.
Doctoral Candidate (DC) 10: Nonlinear metamaterials for 3D meta-MEMS sensors/actuators
You will develop design approach for innovative 3D meta-MEMS sensors/actuators able to combine the tri-dimensionality of additive manufacturing techniques and the advanced control and manipulation of elastic waves by the nonlinear metamaterial. Demonstrate the performance on the proof-of-principle prototype.
The PhD researcher will work under the supervision of Dr. Valentina Zega in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (Ph.D. | DICA – Website (polimi.it)).
Two academic secondments are planned. They consist in 3 months at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) to work on the analysis of suitable non-linear wave phenomena and 3 months at the TU/e to work on the non-linear reduced-order techniques development with DC4. An industrial secondment of 2 months at STMicroelectronics is also planned to test the fabricated proof-of-concept demonstrator.
The expected results are:
- Design, using numerical simulations and analysis from DC4, a 3D meta-MEMS sensor/actuator based on nonlinear wave interaction phenomena.
- Fabrication of the proof-of-principle prototype (with DC 5), testing and dynamic performance evaluation of the design in collaboration with STMicroelectronics and fatigue and reliability assessment (with DC7).
Specific Requirements:
- Highly motivated, independent and enthusiastic doctoral researcher.
- Master degree in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mathematical engineering, material engineering or equivalent relevant master degrees.
- Strong background on solid mechanics, computational methods, (nonlinear) dynamics and mechanics of materials.
- Excellent track record of academic achievement and a strong interest in conducting original research and innovation.
- Fluent in spoken and written English.
A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful green campus well connected to the city of Milan, e.g. station and city-center, through the green metro line.
In addition, we offer you:
- A monthly gross salary of ~€3311, plus €600 mobility allowance and if applicable, €660 family allowance. The net income will be lower since a deduction of compulsory (employer/employee) social contributions as well as direct taxes (e.g. income tax) need to be considered.
- High-quality training programs and other support to grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher.
- An excellent technical infrastructure and sports facilities.
- Recruited researchers can be of any nationality and must comply with the following mobility rule: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention are not considered.
- The recruited researchers must be doctoral candidates, i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment.
- The recruited researchers must be working exclusively for the project.
Deadline (DC8): January 7th, 2024
Deadline (DC10): April 20th, 2024
To apply for this position, please send an e-mail to MetramatPoliMi@gmail.com and enclose:
- curriculum vitae*
- cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position. Indicate in the first sentence to which position you apply and whether you have an interest in any of the other two available positions. Additionally, include in the motivation letter your plan of action specific for the position.
- full list of credits and grades of both BSc and MSc degrees (as well as their transcription to English if possible) – (when you haven’t finished your degree yet, just provide us with the partial list of already available credits and grades)
- proof of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, …) – if available
- two reference letters
- Brief description of your MSc thesis
* The curriculum vitae must be signed by the candidate and has to bear the following sentence concerning the management of candidate’s personal data: “The undersigned Name and Surname authorizes the management of his/her personal data contained in the application documents as foreseen by the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and declares to be aware of the rights of the data subject as listed in Chapter III of the aforementioned European Regulation”.
A recruitment committee will select suitable candidates for a first round based on academic formation, professional and/or research experience, motivation, and references. If selected, you will be given a short assignment related to the topic of the project to evaluate analytical abilities and level of written English, followed by interviews. Interviews will take place online to provide equal opportunities to all candidates independent of their location (estimated to take place the end of January).
Ideally, you will start this position between March and August 2024.
For more information please contact Dr. Valentina Zega by e-mail (valentina.zega@polimi.it) or visit the METRAMAT website (http://metramat.eu/recruitment).
The METRAMAT consortium embraces inclusion and diversity as key values. In the recruitment process measures will be taken to ensure that equal opportunities criteria in the selection process are applied, irrespective of gender, disability, marital or parental status, racial, ethnic or social origin, colour, religion, belief, or sexual orientation. In case of disability, a special needs allowance is available from the EU to ensure adequate participation in the action.